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Request Valuation

Selling your home quickly

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    Property details

    How much is my property worth?

    The simple answer to this question will always be 'What someone will pay'.

    Selling your home can be one of the most stressful periods of your life so we've looked to make the entire process that much easier by providing a fast and efficient solution.

    Our team of experienced property valuers will carry out extensive due diligence on your property, so that we are able to establish the Market Value and therefore make you a cash offer for your property.

    To establish the value of your property, there are several important factors to take into consideration:

    What property has sold within your post code?

    We'll look at what has sold close to where you live, how similar it is to your property and what price it achieved. From an agent's perspective, whether they are online or on the High Street, there is no better indication as to a property's value than something that has recently sold.

    What condition is your home in?

    The condition of your property has a direct effect on the price that you will receive. New kitchens, modern bathrooms, garages and well maintained gardens can all add value to your home and please feel free to send us some photos if you wish too.

    If you wish to discuss your situation with one of our consultants, simply fill in the form or give us a call.